07 4771 4066



Family Law and related matters

Michael Fellows graduated from the University of Queensland in 1980, was admitted as a solicitor in 1981 and then as a barrister in 1993. A resident of Townsville since late 1988 he has practised exclusively in family law and related jurisdictions for about 15 years but has formerly had extensive experience in coronial inquests, professional negligence and maritime law. Michael is a mediator and arbitrator, and was rated by Doyles List (2017) as one of three leading mediators in Queensland. He is rated by Doyles Guide (2020) as one of the leading family law advocates in Queensland. He is a regular presenter at conferences of the North Queensland Law Association.

Pursuing a lifelong interest in music and art, he is Cathedral Organist of St. James Anglican Cathedral, a member of the Board of Directors of the Australian Festival of Chamber Music and an enthusiast member of the Australian Institute of Professional Photographers.

Michael has undertaken voluntary photography work for the Mater Foundation, the Black Dog Institute and MS Queensland. His photography website is at www.michaelfellows.com



Michael Fellows
Sir George Kneipp Chambers
53 Wills Street
Townsville QLD 4810

Mobile: 0412 341 071
Work: 07 4771 5111
Email:  jsbach@ozemail.com.au
Website: www.michaelfellows.com
Link to Qld Bar Profile:
Admitted to the legal profession: 1981
First call to Bar: 1993


Parenting cases and technology: The good, the bad and the ugly.
North Queensland Law Association Conference, May 2019, Townsville

Latest and Greatest 2018.
North Queensland Law Association Conference, May 2018, Cairns

Interim Hearings in the Family Law Courts: Preparation and Advocacy for success.
North Queensland Law Association Conference, May 2016, Mackay

Affidavit Preparation: A primer for beginners; a refresher for veterans.
North Queensland Law Association Conference, May 2015, Hamilton Island

Why do the nations so furiously rage together: letter writing in family law disputes.
North Queensland Law Association Conference, May 2014, Cairns

Relocation Cases: A tale of several cities – differences in approach in relocation cases.
North Queensland Law Association Conference, May 2013, Townsville

Family Law and Commercial property-: What commercial Lawyers need to know about Family Law Property.
North Queensland Law Association Conference, August 2013, Cairns

Pearce Contributions: Pre-relationship and early contributions.
North Queensland Law Association Conference, May 2008, Townsville